Kamaz Pack FINAL version

Date September 16, 2019 10:21

Converted Kamaz Pack: 4350, 5350, 53501, 53504, 63501
– The permeability of each Kamaz is different for the Kamaz_63501 chassis 8×8 permeability is excellent due to 8 wheels
– Slightly revised gearbox, now the first and second are more viscous
– Added two trailers, they are loaded 2 and 4 points

Kamaz entered the Pack:
– Kamaz 4350 chassis 4×4
– Kamaz 5350 chassis 6×6
– Kamaz 53501 chassis 6×6 with an extended frame
– Kamaz 53504 chassis 6×6 Tractor
– Kamaz 63501 chassis 8×8

Final version:
* Changed the speed of the Truck (now it is slower)
* Reduced engine power
* New names for add-ons
* Changed steering speed (turns a little longer than it was)



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